Lemon & Almond Cake unique recipe

Lemon & Almond Cake
It is unique kind of cake full of energy and nutrition. In which lemon syrup is used on the cake when the cake would be hot. It can be preserved for a week. You must make this cake surely you will enjoy with your family. Note down the ingredients and recipe.

Almonds                      1 ounce flaked
Brown Sugar               4 ounce
Eggs                            2
Baking powder           1 tea spoon
Butter                           4 ounce
White floor                   4 ounce
Lemon cover               1

For Syrup
Sugar                            3 ounce
Fresh lemon juice        3 or 4 table spoon

Take 9 inches round pan and spread grease proof paper on it.
Place oil on the sides of the pan and put almonds in the pan.
Blend sugar & butter and add eggs one by one and blend.
Add white floor in the blended butter, sugar and eggs.
Now put these ingredients in the pan which has almonds.
Bake it in oven for 20 to 25 minutes on the heat of 1800 until it gets golden.
During this mix lemon juice and sugar.

Now put lemon juice on the hot cake and let it absorb.
Another recipe of desert is available after Cumin Seed Cookies.must try this delicious cake.
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