Cumin Seed Cookies

Cumin Seed Cookies
Prepare these simple low budget cumin seed  cookies in enough quantity and fill container or jar for your kids and everyone in slight appetite. Enjoy with tea or coffee.
 These are made with simple ingredients and did not ask for any unessential effort. Serve them with tea or plain whatever you like.
Preparation time 45 mints, cook time 20 mints, serving 3-4
Flour 1 cup
Icing sugar 1 tsp
Egg 1
Butter 100 gm
Salt ½ tsp
Cumin seed ¼ tsp
Baking powder ¼ tsp
How to cook
·         Beat butter with sugar in a bowl.
·         Beat egg in other bowl and mix the butter and icing sugar mixture in it.
·         Add salt, cumin seeds, baking powder, all purpose flour and mix well.
·         Place the dough in fridge for 25 mints hour.
·         Make bread of the dough and sprinkle cumin seeds over it.
·         Now cut into different shaped cookies and place them on a baking tray.
·         Preheat oven to 180°C and bake cookies for 20 minutes.

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