Phlegm is disease that comes
out from throat. Particularly it is expelled by coughing. It can be re occurring
many times. Phlegm is in essence a water-based fluid consisting of different colors.
Its composition varies depending on climate, inheritance, immune system and
allergy from air, pollution, infections
and somehow from fragrance. Its color can vary from whit to yellow, yellow to
dark brown, and green to yellow. Sometime people are confused to distinguish
between phlegm and mucus.
Difference between Phlegm and Mucus
The main difference between
mucus and phlegm is to determine that from where it comes out. Mucus normally
comes from a patient’s mucous membranes, such as from inside the nose, while
phlegm usually comes from the back of the throat or lungs. While both secretions
are greasy in consistency, phlegm is typically thicker than mucus. People who
have colds normally blow mucus out of their noses and might cough up phlegm
from their throats or lungs.
Types of phlegm
There are different types of
colors which are helpful to diagnose your reason regarding production of phlegm
or sputum.
Clear phlegm
White phlegm
Grey phlegm
Yellow phlegm
Green phlegm
Brown phlegm
Pink phlegm
Red phlegm
Rusty phlegm
Black phlegm
Clear, White, Gray Sputum is
normal but if it turns after some days then it would be alarming situation to
check your doctor thoroughly. Clear to white cause’s viral reparatory tract,
White to grey chronic bronchitis. White to yellow causes asthma. Yellow phlegm is due to the
presence of white blood cells, particularly neutrophils and eosinphils. These
cells are often present in chronic inflammation, allergic and infectious
causes. Green phlegm is due to chronic infections and long standing occurrence
of this disease. The color is a result of the breakdown of neutrophils and the
release of verdoperioxidase / myeloperioxidase, an enzyme that is present
within these cells. Brown or Black phlegm is due to the breakdown of red blood
cells. Organic and no-organic dusts may also cause brown or black sputum. Red,
Pink and rust colored phlegm may cause pneumonia lung cancer and tuberculosis.
Symptoms of an infection that can occur with phlegm symptoms
Muscle aches
Nausea and loss of craving
Oppressive nose, often with green or yellow
Swollen throat
Blisters in throats
Indications that can occur with phlegm symptoms
Allergies can
cause other indication that occurs with phlegm symptoms including:
Eye redness
Itching of the nose, throat or ears
Oppressive nose and postnasal drip
Watery, itchy eyes
Warning Indications
Bluish shade of the lips, nails, and possibly
the skin
Chest pain, tightness or pressure
Coughing up blood or pink, blood phlegm
Coughing up large amounts of frothy mucus or
Decrease in level of consciousness or change
Rapid heartbeat
Sudden swelling of the tongue, lips, mouth or
face, or hives on the face or neck
Home Treatment for sputum/mucus/phlegm
Take lots of liquids.
Have a cough drop with menthol to cool
Sleep with lots of pillows on top of each
other as it helps you breathe better and cough less.
Keep neck area as warm as you can.
Do not cough hard as you will end up damaging
your throat or worse. You could crack a rib or damage muscles under your rib.
Sleep might help, but sometimes getting on as
normal has its up sides too.
Take tea with honey
Always try to spit not swallow
Avoid smoking
Don’t take dairy products
Take a lot of water
Take lemon
Avoid heavy fragrance of perfumes or
What is being tested?
testing is used to detect which antimicrobial will inhibit the growth of the bacteria causing your infection. Here are some
other tests that can help you to treat your disease effectively.
Urine culture
Blood culture
Bacterial wound culture
Fungal Tests
This information about
phlegm enables you to understand what actually phlegm is. Its types regarding
colors, symptoms remedies and most effective diagnosed test related to your
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