Sunday, September 29, 2013

What is HIV/AIDS? Difference, Causes, Awareness, Avoidance

What is HIV/AIDS? Difference, Causes, Awareness, Avoidance
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

HIV disease is a condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The condition of the disease disturbs the immune system of human body, and human body failed to resist with infections. HIV can be treated but unfortunately not cured perfectly. There are many effective ways to prevent the infection to safe the human body. If this disease could not be treated at the right time it can develop AIDS.
Causes of HIV

7,000 people are infected with HIV, and more than 1 million is due to contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The majority of 15- to 24 years old living with HIV is female. Today, 23% of all people living with HIV are under age 24, while 35% of all new infections happen among people between 15 to 24 years of age.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be caused by the following:

HIV spreads through sexual contact with each other including oral vaginal and anal sex. it can also be caused by blood transfusions, accidental needle sticks and needle sharing. It can also be transferred Mother to child, a pregnant woman can transmit virus to her child by their shared blood circulation, or a nursing mother can pass it to her baby in her breast milk. These are the most common sources that are cause of HIV positive.
 Some people are very conscious about this disease and make myths that HIV can spread due to these factors also as mentioned below but fact is something different HIV infection is NOT spread by casual contact such as hugging, mosquitoes, participation in sports touching items that were used by a infected person with the virus.

HIV and AIDS Awareness
HIV stands for the "human immunodeficiency virus." In other words, it is a virus that infects human being and leads to problems with their immune system. The immune system is the body's system for fighting disease. It is very important to know that a person with HIV can live for many years without developing AIDS. HIV is the infected virus but Aids which stands for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" is a way of describing a whole group of symptoms and diseases associated with the damage HIV does to the immune system. As an HIV infection progresses, there is ongoing damage to immune defense cells and the body becomes increasingly less able to fight off infection.
AIDS Avoidance
There is no cure for HIV, but there are ways to prevent getting the virus.
HIV is usually transferred from person-to-person through sexual (anal, vaginal, or oral) contact or by sharing needles and other drug works. HIV prevention can be through abstinence, mutual monogamy, by not sharing needles and drug works (commonly referred to as paraphernalia), and by limiting the use of material (i.e. alcohol and other non-injecting drugs) that damage findings.
There is currently no vaccine for HIV. Researchers have been trying to find an HIV vaccine since the virus was first identified in 1984. HIV is a very complex virus, so researchers have not been successful in creating a vaccine, but they continue to try.

Self Discipline refrain

Refraining from sex means not having any type of sex at all oral, anal, or vaginal. By creating self discipline is 100% effective in preventing HIV.
The decision to practice abstinence does not mean that you should not know about condoms and safe sex practices.  Most people stop being abstinent at some point in their lives. 


Mutual monogamy means that you agree to be sexually agreed with only one person, and that individual has agreed to be sexually active only with you. Reducing your number of sexual partners can decrease your danger for HIV. It is still important that you and your partner get tested for HIV and tell your test results with one another. Many people choose to continue using safety in a mutually monogamous relationship for further protection from HIV.

There are also some other prevention to treatment for HIV/AIDS. I hope you will get most of the important information in this article about AIDS as surely u have found useful information about phlegm article named Whatis phlegm? Its Types, Symptoms, Indications And Treatment

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